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2015 Summer of Fabric Love

Hey there, I'm excited to launch the 2015 Summer of Fabric Love at Fabric Spark.

You may wonder, what is the Summer of Fabric Love and why now in 2015?

It was an idea I had percolating away in the back of my mind all winter. I have lots of plans for the shop this summer and I wanted to bundle everything into a story for you. We share is enthusiasm for fabric and making things and for most of us, fabric is a very happy place we can go to for inspiration.  

It's's also a good reflection of my mood these days. I'm pretty excited about everything I saw at Quilt Market and really happy about all of the patterns and fabric coming our way. In addition to the new fabric, I also have a couple of surprises planned so jump on board and check back every week to see what's going on at the Summer of Fabric Love headquarters. Also, be sure to sign up for the newsletter or check the facebook feed or Instagram feed for updates, new fabric news, promotions, and lots of other fun stuff.

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Previous article Fancypants is a Fabric Collection


Diana - July 16, 2015

My hobby is not quilting after all… it’s fabric aquisition (and boy, I could medal in this if it were a sport). Glad to have discovered “Fabric Spark”, will be keeping my eye on you!

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