Swallow Medallion Quilt Kit
Berene of @happysewlucky and I are really excited to bring you a new quilt kit and pattern.
It's a medallion quilt with each ring having a symbolic meaning from the immediate and close circle of sewing friends, to the larger and encompassing communities we all belong to. In Berene's words...
“This Swallow Medallion quilt design was inspired by community spirit: the way in which a community rallies around each other, creating a centre hub of love. The swallows represent close friends and family that hold us close to their hearts. The HST border represents our immediate community - the people we work and play with - which for me is the kind & generous quilting community. The squares with windows represents the homes in our neighbourhood that give us a sense of belonging. The outer multicoloured stripe border represents the circle of people from all walks of life that make up our extended communities, held together by cornerstones of love and good intentions. The semi-circles represent the landscapes in nature that connect communities globally. We are sometimes far away and yet we are still ONE human race. We all need to look after each other.”
**** Please note - with thoughts to the broader community we are donating a third of our profits from kit sales to a local Vancouver Food Bank ****
The kit details
Fabric for the quilt top and binding in one of two sizes. The large size, at 88" square has over 13 yards of fabric. The smaller size at 72" square has over 10.
Background - Free Spirit Solids in Dove
Colour elements - Makower Linen Texture in 8 glorious colours
Binding - Free Spirit Solids in Dove
We will send you a link for a PDF pattern, including all paper piecing templates.
Note - You will also receive links to instructional videos on foundation paper piecing and other tips and helpful advice to make the quilt.
There are two sizes to choose from 88" square and 72 " square, please make sure you're purchasing the size you want. The larger size includes the outer half circle ring. The smaller size stops at the multi coloured stripe ring.
The kit will ship in January. Shipping is included in the price of the quilt kit for Canadian orders, but extra will be added in the United States and abroad.
Please note - our beautiful sample was made by Shirley Dawson and quilted by Sandy Lindal.